Online marketing moves at the speed of light. It's fast, confusing, powerful, and effective all at the same time. To keep up, you need a strong understanding of your goals, vision, customers, strengths, weaknesses, a Facebook for dummies handbook , and lets not forget, be relentlessly creative. Yes, I know! It's ridiculous. How will you keep up? How will your business survive in this competitive market? A better question is, how the heck do you even know where to begin, right? — You're in luck! I've compiled my top four online marketing tips and strategies to empower you with the mental building blocks to stay ahead in an aggressive industry.
There are plenty of guides to marketing. From textbooks to online video tutorials, you can really take your pick. But, I felt that there was something missing — a guide that really starts at the beginning to equip entrepreneurs, and small business owners with a healthy balance of strategic and soulful advice. This little blog closes that gap. Read on, my dear.
Tip #1: Know thyself. Seriously, I can't tell you how many entrepreneurs I've spoken to about their business needs and goals, that can't give me a straight answer about what it is they're in business for. So I ask you, why are you starting this business? What need are you serving? What problem are you solving? Once you passionately know, understand, and love your business, you're then ready for my next tip.
Tip #2: Identify who your perfect client is! I know it sounds cliche, and you've heard it a thousand times, but there is a reason for this relentless advice. How will you know when to market, where to market, and how to market if you have no idea WHO you're marketing to? You must get very clear on this. What type of customers do you need to keep the lights on? Male? Female? Golfer? Over 50? C Executive making over $150k ? Get my drift? Realizing this extremely vital point is crucial to your success.
Tip #3: Be Laser Focused on Your Customers. Your customers, prospects, and partners are the lifeblood of your business. You need to build your marketing strategy around them. Step 1 of marketing is understanding what your customers want, and need.
Every marketing strategy should start with your customer base. Who are the people using your product? What do they value most? What products are they currently using? and what will it take to sign them on as paying customers?
Here's a bonus tip: Before jumping into your online marketing strategy, have a conversation with your existing customers. Ask questions like how did they find out about your product or service? What was the process that transformed them from interested prospects into paying customers? What do your customers value or care about? Get it? You must keep your customers at the forefront of your online marketing strategy.
Tip #4 Have a Plan...Know Where You're Going. I ask you, would you build a house without a blueprint? Would you take a road trip without your navigation system? Of course not! Why should your online marketing plan be any different?
When considering to take your business online, it is imperative for you to know where it is you're going...and how you're getting there. The answers to these questions circles us back to tip #3... know where your customers are, and how to reach them!
Tuesday, July 28th at 5pm, I am hosting my very first ever 2-day social media marketing webinar! I will be covering:
- Key concepts of social media and online marketing
- Using Facebook for business: Profiles, Pages, Groups, Fans, and Friends.
- The basics of what the different platforms and websites are (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube) and how they fit into your overall strategy.
- How to grow your community, and increase your influence.
- How to create LOYAL Brand Ambassadors.
This is an exciting time for many business owners. I'm spilling the beans! Learn industry secrets on how to successfully market your business online!
My social media marketing webinar is at no cost to you AT ALL! This is my gift to you for deciding to start your own business and stop building someone else's. Way to go!! I'm proud of you. It takes special courage to take this leap of faith. And for that, this is my gift to you.
Take your pick, join me for this special webinar Tuesday 5pm-7pm or Wednesday (July 29th) 12pm-2pm.
Here's how to sign up for the webinar:
1. Click here to RSVP or go to
2. Select the best webinar date/time that's convenient for you to invest 2 hours of your time.
3. Provide your name, and email in the "registration" box.
Ta-da! You're registered. Once I receive your registration notice, you will receive a personal email from me providing the call in, sign in, and hang out information. This webinar will be available LIVE- you can watch it on Google Hangout or listen to it via cool is that?!
I'm super excited to share this knowledge with you. Sharing is caring! If you know other amazing entrepreneurs or small business owners that aren't marketing and making money online, please share this webinar with them. I'd love to have them.
Plan to stay til the end of the call for the LIVE Q & A Segment with me!!
Thanks for reading. See you soon.
Stay Stylish. Classy. And ALWAYS In Your Power.
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