Thursday, February 19, 2015

6 Style Choices that's Adding 10 lbs to Your Look Pt. 2

In part 1 of this blog series I left off with 3 style trends and choices that I believe are adding 10 pounds (or more) to your everyday look. For an overview, click here. 

In the spirit of togetherness, I'm gonna cluster numbers 4 and 5. It just makes sense. Drum roll please...

#4 & #5. Super Tight Tees and Low Rise Jeans. ewk!

I can just see you now, slumping down in your chair, hiding your face. You know you aint right, girl! I can still see you, lol.

All I'm gonna say about this dynamic duo is this: If ANY body parts are hanging out, peeking out, spilling out, or just down right out...ITS TOO SMALL AND NOT FOR YOU!

I'm all for rocking a cute little tee and a pair of skinny's but not at the expense of my dignity.  Your muffin top is nobody's business. Pairing these two choices together actually reveals your true body shape and size, and leaves little to no room for the imagination. 

Don't get all huffy. With every problem, there is always a solution. So if you're looking to rock a super hot pair of skinnys that wraps the curves and makes you look great, try NYDJ (Not Your Daughters Jeans), available at Nordstrom. These are the perfect tummy tuck jeans, with a fabulous booty lift. 

#6. Baggy Jeans 

Why, oh why, is this trend back in style???
Ladies, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but you are a Lady, not some grunge college dude aspiring to be a world-class skateboarder. This look is never ok. 
Your clothing should be tight enough to show you're a woman, and loose enough to show you're a lady. Thank the fabulous Edith Head for that quote. 

Seriously, simply because Cosmo says Jessica Simpson looks hot in her baggy jeans, does not mean it's okay for average gals like us to rock them. This look adds more inches to your thighs, and tummy area. I urge you to find tailored jeans, and pants to complement that fabulous shape you have, regardless of how large or small it is. 

So, there you  have it! My top six style trends that are adding more pounds that pow. If you saw yourself in some of these images, just know you're not alone. Simply by reading this blog, you are on the right track to effortlessly chic style. You must first admit there's a problem, then seek the solution. 

I pray I've given you a bit of insight into a better wardrobe selection for your day to day. 

Did you know I offer virtual styling sessions? These sessions give me an opportunity to meet women just like you from all over the world. We discuss your wardrobe challenges, and I help you find a more fabulous and affordable solution. Interested? Comment below or drop me a line: and we'll set up some time to chat. 

Until Then My Sweet,

Stay Classy. Stay Fabulous. Stay in YOUR Power! 


Tweet Me: @DeAnnaDuPree

Find Me on IG: @DeAnnaDuPree

Like Me on FB: SimplyDeAnnaDuPree

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

6 Style Choices That Add 10 Pounds to Your Look

I'm all for dressing with the trends, well maybe just a few, but there comes a time when I (your go to Style Concierge) MUST be of sound wisdom and judgement when sending you out to the streets. My job is to turn heads due to your fabulous and effortlessly chic style, NOT because you look a hot mess.

While out and about I've observed about six style trends that's adding more than ten pounds to the looks of many women. Now, who the heck wants that??

May attention ladies, I may hurt some feelings, but I gotta stay true to self, and to you! Here's my top six style choices that's making you look bigger, not better.

#1. Printed Leggings!

Oh my gosh, if I see another thirty something, or woman larger than size 4 wearing these leggings, I just may become an arsonist!! No seriously, ladies: we are women in business, not college hotties. Did you know the printed legging (made for the runway), was designed to add a little more "meat" to the stick figures in fashion? The prints themselves give the illusion of being wider, and thicker which gives the size 2 girl a little excitement about getting dressed. Not to mention they were designed as fun replacements for stockings and yoga pants for the teenager and collegiate...NOT FOR WOMEN OVER 24 YEARS OLD. Ugh! Please toss every pair, give to your daughter or niece, or simply donate. Get them out of your closet pronto.  

I digress...

#2.  Oversized Sweaters
Again, not made for women over 30. This style is again made for the cute college girl running late for lecture, who has no time for a full ensemble, but refuses to look like she rolled out of bed. Ladies, I understand we have those days when we just want to be comfortable, casual, and not all dolled up everyday. I get it. However, these ovesized sweaters are just that, way over your size. These sweaters may us look bigger, wider, and a bit sloppy. go with this look here. Much more age-appropriate, flattering, and casually chic.  

  #3. The Wrong Bra     Now, if any of you really know me, you'd know I'm a stickler for "the girls," I don't mess around, honey. I take them for serious. I've been properly and professionally fitted, sized, and cupped to keep my girls feeling and looking amazing. Wearing the wrong bra easily adds ten pounds to your figure because you're masking your gorgeous waistline, and torso with droopy boobs. Here's the difference in wearing the wrong bra, verses the right. There's a clear distinction in her shape just by wearing the right bra. 

If you're in need of  a fabulous Bra/Boob Specialist, please comment below and I'll send you a couple of contacts in your area.  Just Ask! 
Stay tuned for part two of my "Style Choice Series." The final few will make you take a second look at your daily wardrobe choices...I promise!

Until next time.

Stay Classy, Fabulous, and In YOUR Power!! 

Stylishly Yours,


Tweet Me: @DeAnnaDuPree
Find Me on IG: @DeAnnaDuPree
Like Me on FB: SimplyDeAnnaDuPree