Monday, September 28, 2015

Top 9 Ways Women Give Away Their Power

Written by:
Every day many competent well-educated women struggle with their power. Their discomfort with the idea of being a strong woman as well as how to effectively demonstrate and sustain power without backlash results in a loss of power over time. That loss is our own leaky pipeline. It’s a slow leak that depletes us of influence and has a negative impact on our reputation and success.
It’s critical that ambitious women understand their leaky power pipeline. The subtle ways women give away their power affects their ability to reach leadership positions.

Here are the top 9 ways women give away their power.

1. The use of minimizing language.
Our choice of words has a dramatic effect on our ability to influence others and demonstrate confidence. When we use minimizing language, we lose our effectiveness and power.
In a 2011 article on Forbes, I addressed this point. “If we take one small step and eliminate the word “just” from our communication, we would see a huge difference in the way we are perceived in the workplace. ‘I’m just checking in to see’. ‘I just want you to know’. ‘I just called because..’ . My new awareness of the impact of this one word has now forced me to carefully choose my words in order to reflect more confidence.”
In the Harvard Business Review, Jerry Weissman advises us to replace the weak words “I think”, “I believe”, and “I feel”, for stronger options such as “I’m confident”, “I’m convinced”, “I expect”. These simple replacements can make a difference in how our message is perceived.

2. Unnecessary apologies
Pantene released a new ad campaign in 2014 that brought national attention to women’s tendency to apologize, even when not necessary. This campaign sparked much discussion about how women can learn to change this default behavior. Saying you’re sorry unnecessarily puts you in a subservient position. Women’s tendency to apologize and, in fact over apologize, is another subtle way we give our power away. Understanding when you apologize and your triggers to do so helps you stop your automatic response to say “I’m sorry” and eliminate the phrase when appropriate.

3. Letting others take credit for ideas
Many of us in the workplace have experienced this. You bring up a point in a meeting and it goes unnoticed. Later someone else, usually a man, will repeat your thought and people will applaud his great idea. When we stay silent and let others take credit for our ideas, we give our power away. I coach my clients to take back the credit. “Thank you for bringing up this idea that I proposed earlier.” Make a statement that will remind the attendees of your ownership of the idea.

4. The hesitancy to self-promote
Our hesitancy to advocate for ourselves is a lost opportunity to demonstrate to others the value we contribute to the business and the power of our talent and achievements. Because of our discomfort with self-promotion, our default behavior is to rely on our hard work and performance for recognition and reward. This results in a lack of visibility and subsequent lack of power. Recognizing that self-promotion is a vital leadership skill helps change our mindset. Understanding one’s value proposition gives us a better idea of how we contribute to positive business outcomes.

5. Not understanding or using our influence
Power comes from knowing the relationship between how we do our work and positive business outcomes, our value proposition. When we truly get how we affect specific outcomes, we appreciate the influence we have, not only on the business and achievement of designated goals, but in helping others be successful. There is power in using influence to build mutually beneficial relationships in our organization and in our industry. Offering to help others achieve their goals creates credibility that results in influence. Volunteering for special projects at work highlights our competence and influence.

6. Not leveraging relationships
Most women have no problem doing favors for others. In helping others we gain visibility and influence. However, we often hesitate to ask for anything in return. Leveraging relationships is a leadership skill and our difficulty with quid pro quo is lost opportunity and subsequent loss of power and potential influence. We lose the social capital we have worked so hard to earn. There is power in asking for what we want and need.

7. Being reactive not proactive
I am a great believer in the power of being strategic. The most powerful path to realizing our ambitions is a strategic one. When we keep the end goal in mind and develop a plan to reach that goal, it fuels our ambition and success. A reactive mode does not have the strength of conviction and promise that a proactive approach has. We give our power away when we leave things to chance or luck. Easily distracted, we also feel a lack of control over our career destiny.

8. A lack of allies and champions.
One way to support and sustain your power is to build a strong network of people who are willing and able to speak for you. This type of network requires you to identify the people who have influence and power and build mutually beneficial relationships with them. They need to understand your value and believe in your competence. The best way to build influence and power in an organization is to have the strength of allies and champions behind you. When we fail to build this type of network and don’t approach our network strategically, we lose the collaboration and potential power of others willing to step up and be our advocates, help us sell our initiatives, and build consensus.

9. A desire to be liked.
The likeability factor is important in the workplace. It helps you build influence and motivate others. But what’s most important in establishing leadership and power is effectiveness. When women choose likeability over effectiveness, they give their power away. The message in Lois Frankel’s updated bestseller, Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office, still rings true today. If our primary focus is to be liked, we will not likely be viewed as a leader. We risk being a seen as doormat who waffles in our opinions because we are primarily seeking approval of others. Where’s the power in that? And yet, being nice is expected of women even in the workplace. Power comes from choosing a different path to leadership; being nice, effective, and powerful!

Do you struggle with giving away your power? What resonates with you the most?

Friday, August 28, 2015

5 Fab Ways to Look Slimmer...TODAY!

By Harpers Bazaar...of course!
Belted looks appeared on the Spring 2015 runways at Tome, Céline and Bottega Veneta, and are an easy option to transform your look and create a waist.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Shared Blog: 6 Types of Entrepreneur

By Murray Newlands

There are a few different types of entrepreneur — which one are you?

Are you a world changer? An innovator? An opportunist or a jack of all trades? Maybe you’re a serial entrepreneur — or are you actually a wantrepreneur? These are the six major types of entrepreneurs out there, and you likely fall into one of these categories.
No one type is better than the other, although the wantrepreneur isn’t quite on the same level as the others just yet. It is important to understand your niche so you can hone the talents you have, develop skills that are lacking and figure out your stride to optimize opportunities.
Here’s a breakdown of the six types, and how to figure out which one you identify with most. Use this when strategizing about your next move and remember that you might be more than one type. After all, who says a world changer isn’t also a jack of all trades?

1. World Changer

You are keenly aware of your environment, both on a local and global scale. Maybe you were an activist or environmentalist in a past career, and it is very likely you have green leanings when doing business. You likely created your company in order to make a positive impact in the world, believe that success is measured by impact and when it comes to social media you almost certainly have a Twitter account. You know the world is changed one person and one company at a time and are committed to living by Gandhi’s words.

2. Innovator

You are all about creating a product or service. As an idea man (or woman), innovation is more important to you than actually owning a company, and that is OK. You have a knack for coming up with new ideas or making old ones better. However, that also means you may need to excel at delegating, and hire a CEO to take care of the tasks you don’t enjoy. While you trust your instincts, you also do a lot of research. It’s likely you have a goal of creating an empire, and a tool like Evernote is your biggest crutch.

3. Opportunist

You have a “gift” of intuitive timing and are able to choose the right locations. Some people may call you impulsive, but that’s just another way of saying opportunist, especially when so many of your right time/right place moves have paid off. Like the innovator, you also trust your gut while conducting solid research. However, you could be a little better at planning ahead if you want to build an empire.

4. Jack of All Trades

Diversification is your middle name. You aren’t afraid to explore trends or to step in when needed. This makes you think risk can be scary and exciting all at the same time — you truly believe there are no great rewards without great risk. However,you’re also a bit of a follower, which means you need to find the right investors, stakeholders and partners to be successful. You likely became an entrepreneur to take advantage of the self-starter lifestyle or simply because you didn’t want to work for anyone else.

5. Serial Entrepreneur

You’re flexible and always looking to the future for the next big thing. The Thomas Edison of entrepreneurs, you can take a lot of stress and brush off past negative experiences with ease. A total leader, you might struggle with actually learning from your past failures (it’s not automatic). You measure success in being better than the competition and how much money you make. You might jot down your ideas on Twitter — or even on a napkin.

6. Wantrepreneur

You’re not an entrepreneur yet, and you may never be. You’re rich with ideas, but the groundwork still needs to be done. It’s up in the air: Should you win the lottery, you would start a business, take a vacation or invest in a business you’ve kind of started already. You want to enjoy the self-starter lifestyle and consider yourself an idea person, but you need more motivation to become one of the other five types of genuine entrepreneurs.
Which type of entrepreneur are you, and how can you use that to your benefit?
About author:
Murray Newlands is an entrepreneur, investor, business advisor and a columnist at, and He is founder of Due as well as the author of How to Get PR for Your Startup: Traction

Friday, June 26, 2015

Online Marketing for Newbies

Online marketing moves at the speed of light. It's fast, confusing, powerful, and effective all at the same time. To keep up, you need a strong understanding of your goals, vision, customers, strengths, weaknesses, a Facebook for dummies handbook , and lets not forget, be relentlessly creative. Yes, I know! It's ridiculous. How will you keep up? How will your business survive in this competitive market? A better question is, how the heck do you even know where to begin, right? — You're in luck! I've compiled my top four online marketing tips and strategies to empower you with the mental building blocks to stay ahead in an aggressive industry.

There are plenty of guides to marketing. From textbooks to online video tutorials, you can really take your pick. But, I felt that there was something missing — a guide that really starts at the beginning to equip entrepreneurs, and small business owners with a healthy balance of strategic and soulful advice. This little blog closes that gap. Read on, my dear.

Tip #1: Know thyself. Seriously, I can't tell you how many entrepreneurs I've spoken to about their business needs and goals, that can't give me a straight answer about what it is they're in business for. So I ask you, why are you starting this business? What need are you serving? What problem are you solving? Once you passionately know, understand, and love your business, you're then ready for my next tip.   

Tip #2: Identify who your perfect client is! I know it sounds cliche, and you've heard it a thousand times, but there is a reason for this relentless advice. How will you know when to market, where to market, and how to market if you have no idea WHO you're marketing to?  You must get very clear on this. What type of customers do you need to keep the lights on? Male? Female? Golfer? Over 50? C Executive making over $150k ? Get my drift? Realizing this extremely vital point is crucial to your success. 

Tip #3: Be Laser Focused on Your Customers. Your customers, prospects, and partners are the lifeblood of your business. You need to build your marketing strategy around them. Step 1 of marketing is understanding what your customers want, and need. 

Every marketing strategy should start with your customer base. Who are the people using your product? What do they value most? What products are they currently using? and what will it take to sign them on as paying customers? 

Here's a bonus tip: Before jumping into your online marketing strategy, have a conversation with your existing customers. Ask questions like how did they find out about your product or service? What was the process that transformed them from interested prospects into paying customers? What do your customers value or care about?  Get it? You must keep your customers at the forefront of your online marketing strategy.
Tip #4 Have a Plan...Know Where You're Going. I ask you, would you build a house without a blueprint? Would you take a road trip without your navigation system? Of course not! Why should your online marketing plan be any different? 
When considering to take your business online, it is imperative for you to know where it is you're going...and how you're getting there. The answers to these questions circles us back to tip #3... know where your customers are, and how to reach them! 
Tuesday, July 28th at 5pm, I am hosting my very first ever 2-day social media marketing webinar! I will be covering:
  • Key concepts of social media and online marketing
  • Using Facebook for business: Profiles, Pages, Groups, Fans, and Friends. 
  • The basics of what the different platforms and websites are (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube) and how they fit into your overall strategy.
  • How to grow your community, and increase your influence.
  • How to create LOYAL Brand Ambassadors.
This is an exciting time for many business owners. I'm spilling the beans! Learn industry secrets on how to successfully market your business online! 

My social media marketing webinar is at no cost to you AT ALL! This is my gift to you for deciding to start your own business and stop building someone else's. Way to go!! I'm proud of you. It takes special courage to take this leap of faith. And for that, this is my gift to you. 

Take your pick, join me for this special webinar Tuesday 5pm-7pm or Wednesday (July 29th) 12pm-2pm.  

Here's how to sign up for the webinar:

1. Click here to RSVP or go to 

2. Select the best webinar date/time that's convenient for you to invest 2 hours of your time.

3. Provide your name, and email in the "registration" box.

Ta-da! You're registered. Once I receive your registration notice, you will receive a personal email from me providing the call in, sign in, and hang out information. This webinar will be available LIVE- you can watch it on Google Hangout or listen to it via cool is that?!  

I'm super excited to share this knowledge with you. Sharing is caring! If you know other amazing entrepreneurs or small business owners that aren't marketing and making money online, please share this webinar with them. I'd love to have them.

Plan to stay til the end of the call for the LIVE Q & A Segment with me!!

Thanks for reading. See you soon.

Stay Stylish. Classy. And ALWAYS In Your Power. 


Connect with me:

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Battle of the Budge: A Summertime Solution

Summer time is approaching, and I know you are just excited as I am! This is the season of fun in the sun beach days, brunch and mimosas, and comfy shopping our favorite maxi dresses!

With this season comes our “battle of the bulge” moments, as we often find ourselves hiding beautiful figures beneath black overlays. Now ladies, don’t get me wrong. I think black is sophisticated, classic, and chic. But as your Style Therapist, I assure you that you can look absolutely flawless in any color this summer, not just black!
Hiding your beautiful figures beneath black layers is definitely a fashion don’t that I urge you to drop, and it all starts with choosing the maxi dress that is perfect for you!

A Maxi Dress?! Yes ladies, you heard right! A maxi dress! The Maxi dress makes for the perfect summer ensemble; they are comfy, flowy, trendy, and everything glamorous. They can be dressed up or down and can complement just about any occasion. But, not only that: maxi dresses come in all sorts of styles that are specifically tailored to complement various shapes and sizes --- even without the use of the color black. Maxi dresses aren’t just for some fashionistas; maxi dresses are for all fashionistas. What makes them so fashion-forward is that anyone can wear them and look absolutely stunning.

Now, ladies; I know that adding color splashes to your wardrobe may be an uncomfortable adjustment for you, especially if you are accustomed to using dark tones to give yourself a slimming look. But this summer, choose to be bold and spontaneous by treating yourself to a color-spruced collection of maxi dresses. Whether you are the diva who will live for the classic bolds, or sashay around in stylish prints, there is a maxi dress out there made just for YOU, catering to your body and flaunting your shape in all of the right places.

Body Shape Solutions

Have an Hourglass Figure? Indulge in a solid and steamy bold maxi that will accentuate your curves in all of the right places with a comfortable and flowy feel.

Rectangular Figure: paint your body in a printed maxi that will provide a natural enhancement to your bust and hips and also give you a more defined waistline.

Pear Shaped Figure: If you want to take away the attention from your bottom, spruce your closet with a soft summer tone that comes with a drawstring or belt to add more definition to your waist. This will give you an overall slimming, polished, and chic look.

Apple Shaped Figure: Grace your figure with a fringed ruffle maxi that will minimize the volume of your bust and core while giving you the perfect sleek, slimming look. 

Maxi's are also the perfect piece to camouflage our shapewear undergarments. My absolute favorite shapers are from Ruby Ribbon and Ardyss. Both companies offer sleek, comfy, and durable shapers for the girl on-the-go.
Click the links above to take a look around. Message me below or privately if you'd like a personal fitting. 

Til then.

Love the body you're in!

Stylishly Yours


Contributing Writer/Guest Blogger: Brittany Shavonne

Shop The Look: Click on your figure to get the look!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

6 Style Choices that's Adding 10 lbs to Your Look Pt. 2

In part 1 of this blog series I left off with 3 style trends and choices that I believe are adding 10 pounds (or more) to your everyday look. For an overview, click here. 

In the spirit of togetherness, I'm gonna cluster numbers 4 and 5. It just makes sense. Drum roll please...

#4 & #5. Super Tight Tees and Low Rise Jeans. ewk!

I can just see you now, slumping down in your chair, hiding your face. You know you aint right, girl! I can still see you, lol.

All I'm gonna say about this dynamic duo is this: If ANY body parts are hanging out, peeking out, spilling out, or just down right out...ITS TOO SMALL AND NOT FOR YOU!

I'm all for rocking a cute little tee and a pair of skinny's but not at the expense of my dignity.  Your muffin top is nobody's business. Pairing these two choices together actually reveals your true body shape and size, and leaves little to no room for the imagination. 

Don't get all huffy. With every problem, there is always a solution. So if you're looking to rock a super hot pair of skinnys that wraps the curves and makes you look great, try NYDJ (Not Your Daughters Jeans), available at Nordstrom. These are the perfect tummy tuck jeans, with a fabulous booty lift. 

#6. Baggy Jeans 

Why, oh why, is this trend back in style???
Ladies, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but you are a Lady, not some grunge college dude aspiring to be a world-class skateboarder. This look is never ok. 
Your clothing should be tight enough to show you're a woman, and loose enough to show you're a lady. Thank the fabulous Edith Head for that quote. 

Seriously, simply because Cosmo says Jessica Simpson looks hot in her baggy jeans, does not mean it's okay for average gals like us to rock them. This look adds more inches to your thighs, and tummy area. I urge you to find tailored jeans, and pants to complement that fabulous shape you have, regardless of how large or small it is. 

So, there you  have it! My top six style trends that are adding more pounds that pow. If you saw yourself in some of these images, just know you're not alone. Simply by reading this blog, you are on the right track to effortlessly chic style. You must first admit there's a problem, then seek the solution. 

I pray I've given you a bit of insight into a better wardrobe selection for your day to day. 

Did you know I offer virtual styling sessions? These sessions give me an opportunity to meet women just like you from all over the world. We discuss your wardrobe challenges, and I help you find a more fabulous and affordable solution. Interested? Comment below or drop me a line: and we'll set up some time to chat. 

Until Then My Sweet,

Stay Classy. Stay Fabulous. Stay in YOUR Power! 


Tweet Me: @DeAnnaDuPree

Find Me on IG: @DeAnnaDuPree

Like Me on FB: SimplyDeAnnaDuPree

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

6 Style Choices That Add 10 Pounds to Your Look

I'm all for dressing with the trends, well maybe just a few, but there comes a time when I (your go to Style Concierge) MUST be of sound wisdom and judgement when sending you out to the streets. My job is to turn heads due to your fabulous and effortlessly chic style, NOT because you look a hot mess.

While out and about I've observed about six style trends that's adding more than ten pounds to the looks of many women. Now, who the heck wants that??

May attention ladies, I may hurt some feelings, but I gotta stay true to self, and to you! Here's my top six style choices that's making you look bigger, not better.

#1. Printed Leggings!

Oh my gosh, if I see another thirty something, or woman larger than size 4 wearing these leggings, I just may become an arsonist!! No seriously, ladies: we are women in business, not college hotties. Did you know the printed legging (made for the runway), was designed to add a little more "meat" to the stick figures in fashion? The prints themselves give the illusion of being wider, and thicker which gives the size 2 girl a little excitement about getting dressed. Not to mention they were designed as fun replacements for stockings and yoga pants for the teenager and collegiate...NOT FOR WOMEN OVER 24 YEARS OLD. Ugh! Please toss every pair, give to your daughter or niece, or simply donate. Get them out of your closet pronto.  

I digress...

#2.  Oversized Sweaters
Again, not made for women over 30. This style is again made for the cute college girl running late for lecture, who has no time for a full ensemble, but refuses to look like she rolled out of bed. Ladies, I understand we have those days when we just want to be comfortable, casual, and not all dolled up everyday. I get it. However, these ovesized sweaters are just that, way over your size. These sweaters may us look bigger, wider, and a bit sloppy. go with this look here. Much more age-appropriate, flattering, and casually chic.  

  #3. The Wrong Bra     Now, if any of you really know me, you'd know I'm a stickler for "the girls," I don't mess around, honey. I take them for serious. I've been properly and professionally fitted, sized, and cupped to keep my girls feeling and looking amazing. Wearing the wrong bra easily adds ten pounds to your figure because you're masking your gorgeous waistline, and torso with droopy boobs. Here's the difference in wearing the wrong bra, verses the right. There's a clear distinction in her shape just by wearing the right bra. 

If you're in need of  a fabulous Bra/Boob Specialist, please comment below and I'll send you a couple of contacts in your area.  Just Ask! 
Stay tuned for part two of my "Style Choice Series." The final few will make you take a second look at your daily wardrobe choices...I promise!

Until next time.

Stay Classy, Fabulous, and In YOUR Power!! 

Stylishly Yours,


Tweet Me: @DeAnnaDuPree
Find Me on IG: @DeAnnaDuPree
Like Me on FB: SimplyDeAnnaDuPree